Monday 8 February 2010

Running from the Future

I’ve tried in vain to run from the future, it smells of burning ignorance and greed, tinged with the ever growing human propensity to be controlled by superficial desires and place wants over needs. I think I fear the ravenous flames burning away all remnants of a much simpler past and leaving behind in its wake a complicated mess of so-called human progression.

I’ve tired in vain to run because yesterday seemed easier, clearer, a more carefree life of days decided by the weather, interactions with others based more on intimacy and emotion, and nights filled with moments that would spring out of nothingness simply because of a phone call. But tomorrow seems like a puzzle, an over complicated, excuse filled time where you loose touch with those who don’t conform to the latest cyber trends and where everyone is always planning to meet yet never actually occupying the same space. A tomorrow where technology has become a wonderful distraction of a pointless pursue to always have the next best thing, and where people don’t seem to even realise that they are slowly forgetting what it use to be like to actually become involved in another person’s existence.

I’ve tried in vain but every time I look up I am reminded of our obsession to build towards the sky, as if we are trying to discover a hidden doorway to the heavens, instead of remembering that life springs from and always returns to the earth.

But as I run I see individuals ahead of me, those that began running before my existence even began and the irony of my flight hits me. Because for those ahead of me the past which I am trying to hold onto is the future burning away the remnants of a time much easier and simpler to them. And just as my past is the future burning away their past, their past is the future burning away the past of those running ahead of them, and those ahead of them, and those ahead of them.

The present we are born into is always simpler because it is the rites of passage through which we are inducted into the world, the shore upon which we find ourselves looking out towards an unknown horizon, and the comfortable state of being that gives us certainty.
The future from which I run is to someone else the present through which they are now being inducted into the world and even when that present becomes their past, it will forever be the water mark through with which they judge the state of things to come.

I’ve tried to run from the future, but now I have stopped running and turned away from those ahead, facing what’s to come with an embracing air of anticipation. The present in which I was inducted into the world now the past whose essences has become apart of the way through which I interpret and learn to accept the world to come.

I have tried in vain to run from the future but the future is as certain as the greying of your hair, the wrinkling of your skin and the setting of the sun, and to run from it is to run in circles around a past that you can only take with you, but never truly stay in.


Flashes of poetry

I'm lost in a perpetual moment of clarity, the world constantly blurring into perspective before my eyes.